"Battle of the Gammas" in this comic, General Ryker decides to team up with the leader to get to the Hulk, The Leader agrees but on one condition: he wants access to General Ryker's gamma technology. Ryker agrees and he and the Leader decide to recruit some of Hulk's old enemies: Half-Life, Madman, Flux, and Ravage to help them pursue the Hulk. Rick Jones was working undercover to warn Bruce Banner about General Ryker and the Leader. When Rick returns to Banner's lab and warns him about the danger ahead of him. Banner knew he had to protect the Hulk, so he and Rick decided to call for backup. They reached out to She-Hulk, Skaar, and Red Hulk. And Rick Jones has A-Bomb to join in the fight. This was going to be a battle for the gammas.
Let me know what you think about this idea.